Thursday, April 19, 2012

Greens (and Reds) over Orecchiette

I'm Italian.  I love Pasta.  I love Olive Oil.  I love Garlic.  I love 'Greens'.  I love this dish I just made for dinner.  Some tips - use De Cecco Pasta - it's just the best (and it's from near my home town in Italy)  and use the red stalks of the Chard too, they add color and a nice crunch.  Delicious, simple dish.

Red Chard over Orecchiette


1/2 box Orecchiette
2 T. Olive Oil (more or less)
5 cloves Garlic (chopped)
1 bunch Red Chard (coarsely chopped, include the stalks)
Coarse Sea Salt to taste
Hot Red Pepper Flakes (if you want)

Bring a spaghetti pot full of salted water to a boil.  Throw in the Orecchiette and let cook for 9 minutes (2 minutes under recommended time).  In the meantime sauté the Garlic in the Olive Oil, add the stalks and let cook for a couple minutes then add the leafy parts.  Cook over medium heat, add Salt and Hot Pepper Flakes.  Drain Pasta and add to the Chard.  Let it all mix well and sauté for 2 minutes more until pasta is nice and al dente.  Serves 2, but in my case it served 1.

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