Monday, April 9, 2012

My First Vegan Breakfast

After a six week cleanse I could finally eat again, and after seeing this breakfast idea on the 'Engine 2 Diet' website I knew what my first meal would be.  Simple, easy, delicious and oh so healthy.  I was just happy to have something besides broth or kale juice in my stomach!

Mixed Cereal with Fruit

1/2 cup Cheerios
1/2 cup Bite Sized Shredded Wheat (I used Trader Joe's)
1/4 cup Grape Nuts
1/4 cup Dry Oats
1 T. Flax Seed
1 Banana sliced
1/2 cup Red Seedless Grapes
1/2 cup Blueberries
1 cup Almond Milk (I used Whole Foods 365)

Combine all ingredients, splash on the milk, grab a spoon and devour!

Nutritional info:

Calories: 600
Protein: 15.5g
Carbohydrates: 125g
Fat: 14g
B12: 35% of recommended daily allowance

Vegan Breakfast

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