Friday, April 13, 2012

Pink and Black Sweet Potato Burgers

I never have been a fan of the frozen veggie burgers; I find them to be dry and tasteless.  So I thought I'd try to make my own.  The results for this first time experiment were stellar.  Nights ago I had made some beans in my crock pot and decided to use them to make some burgers.  I was worried that they'd fall apart but they didn't.  They tasted great and are super nutritious.


1/2 cup Pink Beans (cooked)
1/2 cup Black Beans (cooked)
1 baked Sweet Potato
1 T. Flax Seed
2 T. Sunflower Seeds
2 T. Corn Meal
1 tsp. Ground Cumin
Fine Sea Salt to Taste
1/2 T. Canola Oil

Mash the Beans (use your hands and fists, it's fun) in a mixing bowl and then add the Sweet Potato and mix some more.
Add the Flax and Sunflower Seeds, Corn Meal, Cumin and Salt.  Blend well until you get a ball that stays together, if not staying together add more Corn Meal.
Separate Ball into four equal parts, and form each part into a Patty.  Place Patties on wax paper and place in the fridge to firm up for about 30 minutes.
In a skillet (I used my trusty cast iron) heat the Canola Oil over medium heat and then place in the Patties.  Cook for five minutes before flipping and cook for another five until each side is nicely browned.  Serve on a bun and add all the fixings you like.  I ate mine bun-less with some salad greens and a nice miso vinaigrette and it was super delicious.

Nutritional Info
(per Patty)

Calories: 158
Fat: 4g
Carbohydrates: 31
Protein: 8g
Over 100% US RDA for Vitamin C, A and Potassium

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